SMC (Sch Mgt Comm) Song For GALOP Schools

With the successful take off of the reconstituted School Management Committee (SMC) concept in the various regions, a beautiful song on SMC has emerged.
The song highlights the importance of the SMC concept and how stakeholders should see the SMC as their asset worth protecting. The song highlights the relevance of collaboration of all stakeholders to achieve the set targets of the School Management Committee.
The song was composed out of the Regional Training Program of SMC in Ashanti Region. The lyrics in twi could be translated in local languages with the same rhythm to highlight the need to support the SMC concept to succeed. School Management Committee is a concept to improve community participation in the management of basic schools across the country. Appointment and Electable positions affords stakeholders like past students, traditional authorities, local Assembly, among others to contribute to management of schools within their catchment areas.
The translated lyrics read;
SMC is for me, SMC is for you
SMC is for me, SMC is for us
We all will join forces to make it work
We all will join forces to make it work
SMC is for us.
It is expected that schools will master the lyrics to keep the momentum going in the implementation of the concept.
Below is the video of the song. [embedyt][/embedyt]