Do you know that many are called?
Do you know that you are part of that “many”?
Do you believe that you have a calling upon your life?
Do you want to learn the grit and cranny of soul winning?
Would you like to hearken unto the call of God upon your life?
Would you like to nurture and fulfill God’s calling upon your life?
Would you like to make full proof of your ministry?
Would you want to know the deep things of the ministry?
Then the reputable Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Centre is the best place to be.

The Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Centre was founded by Bishop Dag Heward Mills, the founder of the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC) and the United Organisation of First Love Churches(UO-FLC190).

- The Anagkazo campus is a place dedicated to the training of men and women for the perfecting of the saints for the work of ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ.
- This facility is solely dedicated to the propagation of the gospel through the preaching of the word of God, the planting of churches, the conducting of open-air crusades, the conducting of Christian conferences and camps, the publishing of Christian literature and the teaching of the work of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
- The campus was not built for the propagation and the study of theology that is traditionally taught in secular universities and other accredited institutions.
- Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Centre was not intended to become a centre to analyze and question the authenticity of God’s Word.
- The campus was not built to analyze, discuss, question or even receive the two hundred or more other opinions and theories about God that the great theologians of our world have.
- ABMTC was not built to teach or present the various schools of thought about ministry that exist today.
- This campus was not built to satisfy the requirements of a secular or tertiary education institution.
- The campus was not built to acquire approval or accreditation from secular accrediting authorities.
- ABMTC was not built to help men to question their faith in God.
- This campus was not built to quench the fire and zeal of God in men.
- The pioneers of the Anagkazo Bible & Ministry Training Centre believe in the whole Bible and believe that many are called, and that many have the ministry of a shepherd.
- The founders believe in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the supernatural gifts of ministry, miracles, signs and wonders, speaking in tongues, casting out devils, sending out of missionaries, the art of leadership, the art of following, the art of hearing, the art of ministry, power evangelism, soul winning, sacrifice, church growth, mega churches, church planting, teachings on loyalty and disloyalty, faith, prayer and the art of being led by the Holy Spirit.
- The institutors of Anagkazo are aware that this school embodies a unique line of teaching which may not be commonly available everywhere.
- This campus was built to shamelessly teach and publish these truths about God and the work of ministry in a systematic and biblical way.
If you want to fulfill the call of God in your life, then the Anagkazo Bible And Ministry Training Centre is the best place to be equipped so as to help you make full proof of your ministry.
In ABMTC, you’re not only taught the theory of ministry but You’re directly mentored or fathered by one of the most spiritual God’s generals, Bishop Dag Heward Mills to start your ministry.
From Day one, your hands are being held by his numerous sons to guide you in starting your first church.
Thus, you’re taught the practical aspect of ministry. As a matter of fact, ABMTC is the only Bible school that provides practical aspects of the ministry. It doesn’t leave you with only theories.
You will experience first hand what the early apostles faced.
Aside from its academic and practical aspects, ABMTC provides you with a serene environment that helps in moulding your character as well as teaching you vital life virtues like Diligence, discipline, patience, faith, manners etc.

ABMTC also provides you with one of the most beautiful prayer gardens to aid you in becoming prayerful and building prayer altars for every area of your life, your ministry inclusive.
All in all, everyone who really wants to be closer to God as well as fulfill God’s purpose for his life, must have THE ANAGKAZO EXPERIENCE.

Can’t wait to see you on our beautiful campus.
High School Certificate Equivalent or Higher
Below are the training programmes available.
9 Months | Certificate In Ministry |
18 Months | General Certificate In Ministry |
36 Months | Diploma In Ministry and Pastoral Appointment |
Coming to Anagkazo would definitely help you to nurture and fulfill God’s calling upon your life.

For further information, kindly access their website at ABMTC WEBSITE
You can also call or WhatsApp +23355746746
Do all you can to be part of the June admission.
You can miss other things but not training in Anagkazo Bible And Ministry Training Centre.

Stay tune to our blog as we bring you more update about The Anagkazo Bible And Ministry Centre.
For further clarification, kindly drop your questions in the comment below.