The KNUST Nursing school is a department under the Faculty of Allied Health of the College of Human Science. The Department of Nursing has two divisions; Nursing and Midwifery. The Department of Nursing provides intensive theoretical and clinical teaching in nursing, building on knowledge in the basic sciences. This prepares students to become professional nurses capable of effectively delivering nursing care to their clients and significant others.
The course also prepares the students to identify pertinent health problems in health institutions and communities and to effectively design programs that can address these. The teaching methods implaced equip students to deliver health information to various groups to meet their particular needs.
Aims & Objectives
The objectives of the Nursing courses are that at the end of the program, the students should be able to apply their knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles in Nursing to the benefit of the nation and then relate these concepts to their clients and patients who require their services.
Credits in THREE SSSCE/WASSCE Core subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science.
Credits in THREE SSSCE/WASSCE Elective subjects: Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.
Passes in THREE GCE Advanced Level subjects: Chemistry, Physics and any one of the following: Biology, Agricultural Science or Mathematics.
Mature candidates must have credits in FIVE GCE Ordinary Level subjects in any of the following: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Agricultural Science including English, Mathematics, and must have attained the age of 25 years at the time of submitting the application. Matured candidates may be required to pass an interview.
Mature candidates must have passes in FIVE SSSCE subjects in any of the following: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Elective Mathematics including English and Mathematics and have must have attained the age of 25 years at the time of submitting the application. Matured candidates may be required to pass an interview.
Diploma Holders, Admission Requirement For Nursing At Knust
Diploma certificate holders should apply if they meet the following requirements:
- First, you must possess a diploma in general nursing (or related program) from a recognised and accredited institution.
- Second, you must be at least 25 years at the time of application.
- Third, you must have at least two (2) years of working experience before you apply.
Department of Nursing
College of Science
KNUST, PMB, Kumasi-Ghana
Telephone: +