There her dreams hung looking all dusty but yet full of life. She got up and stretch forth the broom to it and dust a part that is getting covered with dusts and cobwebs. To make it more cleaner, she dipped a cloth in water, squeezed out the soaked water and used it to clean her hung dreams.
She does that repeatedly as tears profusely find their way down her cheeks.
“Three years of dusting my dreams, hoping a day would come for it to become a reality”, she mumbled. This time, she wailed uncontrollably.
This was how her hung dream story started.
2018, she wrote her WAEC and made a good grade. Another hill is now right in front of her to climb so as to go further in her studies. There was no resource to write an awaiting JAMB, so she took in the bitter pills of patience.
2019, things was a toiling hell but amidst she wrote JAMB, anyways.
“At long last! everything is going in place”, she exclaimed as she grinned in excitement.
And here behold a heavy storm that blew away the dream that she was trying to grasp with all wounded strength and bruised hope. She returned to dusting her dreams, again.
2020, she sat for another JAMB with a bandage hope but filled with persistence.
Again, her grade was good. This time it was a thunderous tempest that blew off her chance.
2021, with a clutch of determination she held to help her motion. She wrote JAMB and her grade was good, again. It was a terrible stormy roar but she didn’t bow to it and it didn’t work out.
In the midst of the whole stumbling blocks, she used the blocks to build for herself a great foundation that will help defend her when life challenges tries to ambush her in this journey that she is in.
In the whole stormy experiences, she got enrolled and she became a creative content Writer, a shoe Maker/Cobbler, ankara bag Maker and a Fashion Designer amidst the storms.
2022, She got matriculated anyways. And again, another stumbling block is rumbling her dreams; ASUU strike.
“I will never let my dreams be buried by the cobwebs of challenges.”, she affirmed herself as she dipped a cloth in water and squeezed out the water and made reach to clean her hung dreams.
Again, she have enrolled herself in skills that are of great boost and productivity to her personality and her world and she is creating an identity for herself and making her life counts. She is dedicated to letting personal growth and development refine her amidst the rumbling and grumbling storm.
“ASUU may be on strike but I won’t put my life on hold. My life is not on strike. I will build myself an identity aside school”, she said with passion and determination raging in her voice as she continue dusting and cleaning up her dreams.
She is back to dusting her dreams, again. So that the dust and cobwebs that comes with life challenges don’t bury her dreams.
Light fades
Do not put your life on a hold because of the challenges of life that you have battled with or battling with.
Pick them up and dust them up. Yes, those dreams that you left hanging and are now a dumping bin of life dusts and cobwebs.
Do not put your life on hold because of the challenges of life. Never do that or you will live all your life a shadow of yourself and a life that is controlled and ruled by life setbacks.
Build yourself to the extent that stumbling blocks of life can no longer crumble your dreams.
Train yourself to build stepping stone-stairs from the stumbling blocks of life.
This is a skill that you must intentionally train yourself to learn to save yourself from the ambush of challenges. For as long as there’s life, there will be trials.
Challenges are like seasons. You don’t have control of their existence but you have control of what you make of them.
Don’t become a puppet to the roaring rhythm of challenges. Take your rightful position as the sculptor of your destiny and craft out your own master piece.
To my dreams, I will never let them be buried in the dusts and cobwebs of life.
I may not have control of the “dusts and cobwebs” of challenges but it’s up to me to decide if to let them be buried in the dust and cobwebs or to secure and preserve my dreams by dusting and cleaning them up.
“Sometimes, you are not what you go through. You are what you choose to become amidst what you go through”