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Thesis: Meaning. A thesis is a critically written scholarly piece of research work. Typically, it is submitted by students graduating from a master’s program. The purpose of a thesis is to allow students to showcase their knowledge and expertise within the subject matter they have been studying as part of the program.

A graduate degree generally requires completing either a thesis or a dissertation. The incorrect usage of thesis and dissertation is not new to the academic world.

Previously, a candidate for a master’s degree would write a thesis, an original paper in which he maintained a certain proposition. Whereas, completion of a doctoral program requires submission and defense of dissertation.

Doctoral and Masters theses by students from University of Ghana can now be accessed online. Click here to access.



All theses must be prepared according to both the University of Ghana format requirements and School/departmental documentation or reference formats. Such formats must be deposited with the School of Graduate Studies. Where there is conflict between Departmental style and the University Style, the latter must be satisfied. Students must consult the University and School/departmental manuals for details.

College/School Format Requirements

Notwithstanding the above, School/departmental formats shall apply to:

  • Chapter Structure Design
  • Chapter Headings
  • Reference Style
  • Figures and Tables
  • Chapter Content Design
  • List of Abbreviations

University Format Requirement shall consist of the following sections:

  • Preliminary Information
  • Substantive Section
  • Bibliography and Appendices

Preliminary Information

  • Title Page 

The title page shall consist of the following which should be centered following the sample and wording in the Graduate School Manual:

  1. Title of the Thesis
  2. Statement of Submission
  3. Name of Candidate (No Titles)
  4. Student Number (In brackets below the name)
  5. In partial fulfillment (partly taught courses, e.g. MA MPhil) of the Requirement for the Award of (Relevant Degree, e.g. Master of Philosophy – written out fully)
  6. The date of submission (Month and Year)
  • Declaration/Signature Page
  1. A candidate submitting a dissertation or thesis for an Masters degree shall make a declaration to the effect that the thesis/ dissertation is his/her own work produced from research under     supervision.
  2. Signatures: The declaration page shall be signed by the following:
  3. The Candidate
  4. Supervisors
  • Abstract

Every candidate shall present a short abstract of his/her dissertation or thesis of a maximum of 2 pages (double spaced).

  • Dedication (Optional)
  • Acknowledgement: (1 page maximum)
    1. The candidate may briefly acknowledge those who made important contributions to the success of his/her research and presentation of thesis.
    2. Where the thesis has benefited from a collaborative project done in conjunction with the candidate’s Supervisor(s), this should be dully acknowledged.
  • Table of Contents

A well aligned presentation of preliminary information, chapters with subsections, bibliography and appendices of the thesis with relevant page numbers indicated.

  • List of Figures/Maps

A list of figures and maps with their relevant designated numbering and relevant pages at which they are located.

  • List of Tables

A list of tables with their relevant designated numbering and relevant pages at which they are located.

  • List of Abbreviations

A list of relevant abbreviations and their full rendering occurring in the thesis.

Substantive Section

  • Chapter Structure

A thesis must consist of substantive Chapters including an introduction, intervening chapters and a concluding chapter as determined by the School/departmental format which has been deposited with the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Reference Style

The reference style shall follow the School/departmental format which has been deposited with the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Thesis Size

A thesis/dissertation shall normally not exceed the following pages excluding bibliography, figures, tables, photographs, and appendices.

Degree  Research DesignationNumber of Pages 
MBA/MPALong Essay  60 
MA/MSc Dissertation/Project 80
 MPhil  Thesis 150 

Bibliography and Appendices 

  • The bibliography should be placed at the end of the thesis and not after each chapter with the exception of cases where the Departmental format filed with the School of Graduate Studies requires this.
  • The order of arrangement of the bibliography and appendices should follow the format of the Graduate School Manual, unless the Departmental format requires an alternative order.
  • The candidate may submit, as subsidiary matter in support of his or her candidature, any printed contributions to the advancement of his/her subject, which he or she may have published independently or jointly, or any other supporting material. In the event of a candidate presenting material from joint work, he or she shall be required to state fully his or her own contribution.

Presentation Format

  • Two (2) typed or printed copies of the dissertation or thesis, using standard A4 paper, shall be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies through the Head of Department for examination.
  • Typed thesis should be on only one side of the paper.
  • Margins: When bound all margins of the thesis should be 2.54 cm (1 inch).
  • Font Type & Size: Theses should be typed in New Times Roman Font Size 12.
  • Chapter headings should be in New Times Roman Font Size 14 Bold.
  • Font sizes for indented citations, graphs, figures and tables should not be lower New Times Roman font size 10.
  • Page Numbers: Page numbers should be centred at the bottom of page throughout the thesis.
  • The preliminary pages should be numbered with Roman numerals.
  • Page numbering in Arabic numerals should run through the entire thesis.
  • Footnote numbering should run through a thesis.
  • Footnotes NOT Endnotes should be used in all theses.


Examination Copy

  • A thesis submitted for examination should be bound in soft manila card cover (green or light blue). The cover should bear the details of the Title Page of the thesis.
  • For the purpose of examination, a candidate shall be required to submit two (2) copies of his/her Masters degree thesis or dissertation and a soft version in PDF.

Final Copy

After the dissertation or thesis has been approved, it must be bound in standard form Art vellum or cloth; overcast; edges uncut. Three (3) final hard copies and the PDF soft version of the thesis/dissertation that have been accepted for the award of a Master’s or a Doctoral degree shall be distributed as follows: 

One (1) hard copy and the PDF version shall be sent to the School of Graduate Studies to be kept by the School; 

The remaining two (2) copies shall be retained by the candidate’s Head of Department, one of which shall be kept in the Departmental Library and the other given to the candidate.

Labelling of Final Copy

  • Front Cover 

The front cover of the final copy should be lettered boldly in gold (0.5.-1.25cm) with the details of the Tile Page of the Thesis. 

  • Spine

The spine of the thesis should be lettered boldly up back in gold (0.5 to 1.25cm) with the degree, date, name, before the award of the Degree is published by the Registrar.

  • Binding Colour Scheme

The following colour scheme should be used in binding the dissertations/theses:

Degree Designation Colour Scheme
MA/MSc degreesDissertation/Long Essay/ProjectsWine
PhD/MD/DPhilThesis/Set of PublicationsDark Blue

Doctoral and Masters theses by students from University of Ghana can now be accessed online. Click here to access.


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