Update On 2024 GES Promotional Exams; Dates and Relevant Details

GES Promotions
Update On 2024 GES Promotional Exams; Dates and Relevant Details
Barring any last minute hitch, next Aptitude Test for Promotion will be written in the 1st Quarter of 2024.
Teachers who are expected to write the upcoming promotional exam are likely to be those with with Notional Dates Effective on or before 2020.
Applicants who intend to apply based on their Master’s Degree/PhD certificates should have obtained such degrees on or before 2022. But it is instructive to note that the Masters/PHD should not have been obtained before the previous promotion. In that case, one cannot use such relevant Masters or PHD to upgrade to the next rank.
Promotion Exam has become very competitive with many significat number of teachers unable to make the passmark for their promotions to the next rank.
This has led to many teachers quite worried in anticipation for the next promotion exam but with a good preparation, one can easily scale through this challenging promotion exam.
There are many teachers who will be re-sitting or re-writing the Promotion Exam. These people together with fresh or new persons who will be writing the exam, swells the number and makes the whole process quite competitive. It is expected that over 24,000 applicants are eligible for re-sits with the most likely re-sits candidates coming from AD II and DD ranks.
In the coming days, Ghana Education Service will provide a clear direction on how this year’s promotion exam will be rolled out. But it is expected that the first quarter of 2024 i.e. between January to April, the Promotion Exam could happen.
Stay glued for more updates.