Boys Soccer: 14 Protest Cases Go Before Disciplinary Committee Tomorrow: Check All Cases


Fourteen qualified schools in the boys soccer competition stand the risk of losing their slots to other schools after qualifying from the various groups at the close of the qualifying round.

This follows the official filing of 14 protest by schools which will be receiving attention from the Disciplinary Committee beginning Friday day the 31st of June, 2022.

A high powered Committee will be constituted by the Federation to sit on the cases.

Losing schools will have an opportunity to go for appeal at the Appeals Committee which will be constituted when need be.

The Committee will sit at 10am at the Regional Education Office to look at all the cases ahead of the competition.

A five member committee comprising of two Headmasters, Federation Head, One Sports Director from a Public University and a member of the federation will be sitting on all the cases.

Below are the various cases before the Committee.

Ashanti Regional Inter-Schools and Colleges Boys Soccer Competition

Complainants/Plaintiff on the left side

  1. T.I Amass (Fomena) vs St Michael’s SHS

2. St Joseph Seminary SHS vs Bodomase SHS

3. Gyaama Pensan SHS vs Agona Sec/Tech

4. Kumasi High School vs St Jerome SHS

5.Ghana Muslim Mission vs Mankranso SHS

6. Dadease Agric SHS vs Adanwomase SHS

7. Konadu Yiadom vs Jacobu

8. St. Jerome vs KUHIS

9. Mankranso vs Jacobu

10. Jacobu vs Mankranso

11. OLAG Vs Agric Nzema

12. Barekese vs Wesley High, Bekwai

13. Barekese vs Fast Track College

14. Osei Tutu II College vs Okomfo Anokye

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