How To Apply for Approval to Pursue Sandwich, Distance, Weekend, Evening Courses 2022/2023
Over the years, teachers in the service intending to continue their education through sandwich courses, distance programs, weekend and evening courses have struggled to get the process right.
Gwtting the process wrong has led to some teachers unable to use their certificates to upgrade themselves.
This write-up seeks to throw more light on how to get the process right when one decides to pursue sandwich, distance, weekend or evening courses.
The revised Guidelines from GES sought to give clarity on the correct processes involved in pursuing sandwich, distance, weekend and evening courses.
For teachers intending to pursue such courses, the process of getting approval is very important. This is because without approval, one is likely to find problems in getting upgraded.
Some teachers have been writing letters to wrong designations with the hope that they will be granted approval to pursue their courses.
Therefore teachers are to follow these guidelines religiously to ensure that approval will be granted.
Firstly, teachers intending to apply for approval to do sandwich/distance/evening /weekend courses will write for approval to do the course through the Regional Director through the District/Municipal/Metro Director.
Secondly, the Regional Directorate will then put together list of all teachers who have applied in their regions and forward to Headquarters.
Lastly when the Director General gives approval, the Regional Director will then issue approval letters based on the approved list.
This is how to apply for distance/sandwich/evening/weekend courses in Ghana Education Service