NSMQ Finalists Disappoint in Practical Lessons in Dubai; Teachers Advocate for A New Approach

Some teachers and trainers of the 2021 National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) finalists have pushed for the introduction of more practical sessions in science classes.
They believe this would go a long way to bridge the wide gap between theoretical and practical knowledge of science students.
It emerged that during a visit by the 2021 NSMQ finalists to the Sharjah Museum in Dubai, the students could not apply their knowledge in re-arranging the parts of a dummy digestive system.

After demonstrating their knowledge excellently on the NSMQ stage, winners of the 2021 edition from Prempeh College and the other finalists from PRESEC-Legon and KETASCO gave their teachers a reason to focus more on practical lessons in class.