University Of Ghana Amnesty.

Amnesty For UG Graduates.

A grading system in education is a system that is used to assess the educational performance of a student which is entirely based upon points acquired by the student in tests and examinations.

Generally, the grading system is the process by which educators evaluate the performance of the students in exams and also determine the class they will graduate with being first class , second class etc.

Student Assessment

The University operates a combination of Continuous Assessment and End-of-Semester Examination with the following weightings.


The Continuous Assessment component consists of take-home assignments, class quizzes and tests, term papers, and practical work. This component gives students the chance to demonstrate their abilities on a wider variety of learning tasks and a broader variety of work environments than is possible under formal examination conditions. For example, through continuous assessment students can learn the values and processes of team work, plan and solve real-life problems. There shall be a minimum of two (2) Continuous Assessments per course per semester.

Duration of End-of-Semester Examinations

The duration of end-of-semester examinations is determined by the credit weighting of the course as follows:

Credit WeightingDuration of Examination
One-Credit Course1-1½ hours
Two-Credit Course1½-2 hours
Three-Credit Course2-3 hours
Practical Courses2-3 hours

Grading Scale

The University uses letter grades and corresponding numerical weightings which reflect the quality of performance. Total raw scores (combination of continuous assessment and end-of-semester examination) are converted according to the following scheme:

Raw ScoreGradeGrade PointInterpretation
80 – 100A4.0Excellent
75 – 79B+3.5Very Good
70 – 74B3.0Good
65 – 69C+2.5Average
60 – 64C2.0Fair
55 – 59D+1.5barely satisfactory
50 – 54D1.0Weak Pass
Below 50E0Fail

Other Grades

Audit – The grade point is zero.

Incomplete (IC) – A student is graded IC when he/she misses one or more components of the assessment.


  1. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that all ICs are rectified
  2. An IC should be rectified within 2 weeks after the release of end-of-semester examinations results
  3. An IC not rectified after the deadline will be converted to the corresponding grade.

Display of Results

End-of-Semester examinations results shall be posted in students’ portals before the re-opening date of the following semester.

All continuous assessment results shall be displayed on the departmental notice boards two (2) weeks before the start of end-of-semester examinations.

Computation of Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

A sample of how the computation is done is presented below:

2017/2018 SEMESTER 1

CodeDescriptionCredit Point (CP)Letter GradeGrade Point (GP)CP×GP
GPACGPA: Total Credits:15  48
GPA/CGPA: 3.2  
Total (CP×GP)GPA=Total (CP)==3.2The sum of the product of credit points for a course (the course weighting) and the grade point for the course divided by the sum of the course weightings for all courses on the semester.
In computing the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) all the courses are treated as if they were taken in one semester.Note: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is not the same as the average of GPAs for the various semestersCGPA=

Degree Classification

Undergraduate degree programmes are classified according to the candidate’s Cumulative Grade Point Average [CGPA]. The classifications are as follows:

1st Class3.6 – 4.0
2nd Class [Upper Division]3.0 – 3.5
2nd Class [Lower Division]2.5 – 2.9
3rd Class Division2.0 – 2.4
Pass1.0 – 1.9


Transcript shall reflect all courses taken or attempted by the student (including audited courses), and the grades earned. Under no circumstance shall grades earned in a course be deleted from a student’s transcript.

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