Colleges Affiliated To UG.
Steps for Academic and Course Registration
Steps for Academic and Course Registration
1. Access the University Website: is external)
2. Click on MIS Web link (Under STUDENTS on top of the thick blue banner).
3. Type in your Student ID Number and 5-digit PIN.
4. Then click on “Login” to enter the registration system.
5. Click on “Registration” under the Student iEnabler (on the left side of the screen).
7. Click on “Submit Registration”.
6. Then click on the “blue letters” under “Qualification Code” and select “Register for This Qualification”
8. Then click on “Save and Continue” to see the list of courses that are relevant to your level. To register for courses from the list, click on the small box close to the course code and title to select the courses you are required to register for this semester.
9. Click on “Save and Continue” to view the courses you selected. You can click on “Restart Process” if you need to make some corrections.
10. Then click on “Continue” to view the Registration Cost (Academic Facility User Fee).
11. Click on “Accept Registration” to complete registration.
12. Click on “Printer Friendly Format” and print proof of registration.
13. Click on LOG-OUT to EXIT.
Students are required to print a “proof of registration”.
Steps for Adding Courses
1. “Login in” to enter the registration system.
2. Click on “Registration” under the Student iEnabler (on the left side of the screen).
3. Click on “Add Subject to a Registration”
4. Click on “Qualification” to see the list of courses. To register for additional courses from the list, click on the small box close to the course code and title to select the courses you are required to register for this semester.
5. Click on “Save and Continue” to view the courses you have selected. You can click on “Restart Process” if you need to make some corrections.
6. Then click on “Continue”.
7. Click on “Accept Registration” to complete registration.
8. Click on “Printer Friendly Format” and print proof of registration.
9. Click on LOG-OUT to EXIT.
Steps for Deleting Courses
1. Login in” to enter the registration system.
2. Click on “Registration” under the Student iEnabler (on the left side of the screen).
3. Click on “Subject Cancellation” to see the list of courses registered. To cancel courses from the list, click on the small box close to the course code and title and select the reason for cancelling from the drop-down list next to the course.
4. Click on “Save Subject Cancellation”.
5. Click on “Student Enquiry” under the Student iEnabler to view the updated proof of registration.
6. Click on “Printer Friendly Format” and print proof of registration
7. Click on LOG-OUT to EXIT.
NB: Courses that are cancelled cannot be added again on the MIS Web.
Error Messages When Registering
Students should report error messages they encounter during registration to any of the contacts below:
Academic Affairs Office at the School of Continuing and Distance Education Premises
Email: sends e-mail)
Phone Number: 0503899803
Regional Learning Centres
1. From the UG website,, click on student menu and select and click on MIS web

2. Under registered users, select student option. Enter your UG Student ID Number and your PIN, Click on Login

3. Under the Student iEnabler menu, select and click registration. When Rules & Regulations appear please read carefully and click on “I Accept” button at the bottom of the page
4. Click on option submit registration

5. A Qualification Code in light blue writing would appear. Please click on it. Select the EMBA code. Kindly note that first year first semester is V, first year second semester is W, second year first semester is X, and second year second semester is Y. Save and Continue
6. Courses would then come up in codes and course titles.. Register for courses by clicking on the boxes right next to the course you choose. Choose courses according to your programme, current year and semester. Click on save and continue

7. Review the summary of the courses just picked, Click Continue

8. You should see your qualification code, programme, and summary of the fee. Click on accept registration.

9. Click on Printer Friendly Format to print your proof of registration which you would submit to the EMBA office

10. Click on Log-out to exit
It is important to note the following:
1. That students would be able to register only 48 hours after fees have been paid
2. That without paying the minimum of 50% of the Semester fee, a student would not be able to register on the ITS
3. Unfortunately, this flexibility does not apply to International Students