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University Of Development Studies Admission Requirements



Undergraduate Entry Requirements


i.    WASSCE Holders (for Degree Programmes)

WASSCE holders seeking admission into Degree programmes must have at least C6 in all their three Core and three Elective Subjects.
WASSCE holders who have Grade D7 or E8 or F9 in any one of their three Core or three Elective subjects are advised not to apply for a degree programme.
Candidates should therefore possess, at least, credit scores/grades in the following:
•    Three Core Subjects (English Language, Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science / Social Studies).
•    Any three Elective subjects in the relevant programmes.
•    Aggregate Score of the best six (6) subjects (three core and three electives) must not exceed 36. However, admissions will be on competitive basis, and various programmes offered in UDS have their cut-off points much lower than aggregate 36 for WASSCE.
•    Candidates should note that Social Studies is not an elective subject.
•    For candidates who read Arts and Business subjects at WASSCE, a grade in Social Studies may be used in place of the grade in Integrated Science in the calculation of their aggregates if the Social Studies grade is better than the grade in Integrated Science. This is however on condition that the candidate has at least a pass in Integrated Science.
•     For Science students, however, Social Studies (Core) does not replace Integrated Science (Core) in the calculation of candidates’ aggregates.

ii.    WASSCE Holders (for Diploma Programmes)

Candidates who do not meet the requirements for Degree programmes in UDS are advised to apply for any one of the Diploma programmes (Diploma in  Development Education, Basic Education, Early Childhood, Care and Education, all of which are offered at the Tamale Campus; Diploma in Social Change Communication, Agriculture Technology, Family and Consumer Science, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Natural Resource Management are offered on Nyankpala Campus)
•    To be admitted into a Diploma programme, three credits passes in the area of specialization (elective subjects) and at least two passes ( D7 or better) in English Language and Mathematics in WASSCE is required. Any   candidate without a pass in English Language and Mathematics (core) need not apply for the Diploma. It is not likely that all candidates with the minimum requirements for Diploma programmes will be admitted. Preference will be given to candidates who have good grades/credit passes.

Candidates, who have met the requirements for Degree programmes (Credits in three electives and three core subjects), but have aggregates that are not good enough may be admitted into Diploma programmes.

Regular Undergraduate Programmes

Application forms for admission to Diploma and Undergraduate programmes in the University for Development Studies (UDS) will be available online at from Monday, April 19, 2021 for holders of the following qualifications;
•    West African Senior Secondary School Certificate (WASSCE),
•    HND/Diploma Certificates, State Registered Nurses (SRN)

NB: WASSCE applicants who are awaiting their results are eligible to apply by selecting Awaiting option and indicating their examination details. Upon release of the 2021 WASSCE results, the University will automatically update all awaiting results.

The following courses are currently offered by the University.




•    6-Year Medicine (MBChB) (This programme is for only WASSCE  candidates with Elective Science subjects)
•    6-Year Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) (This programme is for only WASSCE  candidates with Elective Science subjects)

•    4-Year BSc (Physician Assistant) This programme is for only WASSCE  candidates with Elective Science subjects)


•    6-Year Doctor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS.D)
Admission / Entry Requirement
Applicants to the 6-Year Doctor of Medical Laboratory Science (MLS.D) degree must have Credit in the THREE WASSCE core subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science plus credits in THREE WASSCE electives: Biology, Chemistry and Physics/Mathematics).
•    4-Year BSc (Community Nutrition) (This is a science-based programme for WASSCE holders). Home Economics candidates are also eligible to apply.

•    4-Year BSc Medical Imaging Technology) (This is a science-based programme for WASSCE holders). Home Economics candidates are not  eligible to apply.


•    4-Year BSc (Nursing) (for WASSCE holders) Candidates with business subjects are advised not to apply for Nursing. Only Pure Science, Agricultural Science, Arts or Home Economics candidates are eligible to apply

•    4-Year BSc (Midwifery) (for WASSCE holders) Candidates with Business subjects are advised not to apply. Only Pure Science, Agricultural Science, Arts or Home Economics candidates are eligible to apply.


•    4-Year BSc (Health Information Management) (for WASSCE holders) This is a science-based programme. Other candidates with Business subjects, Agricultural Science, Arts or Home Economics are also eligible to apply


The Faculty of Education is admitting suitably qualified persons into a fulltime and/or a top-up Bachelor of Education programmes in the following courses
•    4-Year B.ED (Social Science)
•    4-Year B.ED (Business Studies)
•    4-Year B.ED (Agriculture Science) – Nyankpala Campus
•    4-Year B.ED (Family and Consumer Science) – Nyankpala Campus
•    4-Year B.ED (Mathematics)
•    4-Year B.ED (Science)
•    4-Year B.Ed in Basic Education(Lower Primary, Upper Primary, and JHS)  – Tamale Campus
•    4-Year B.Ed in Early Childhood Care and Education.

Diploma Programme
•    2-Year Diploma in Basic Education
•    2-Year Diploma in Early Childhood care and  Education


•    4-Year BA (Development Education)
Diploma Programme
•    2-Year Diploma in Development Education



•    4-Year BSc Agriculture Technology (Agricultural Mechanization & Irrigation Technology, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics & Extension, Animal Science and Horticulture)
•    4-Year BSc (Family & Consumer Sciences)
•    4-Year  BEd (Agricultural Science)
•    4-Year BSc Veterinary Nursing
•    4-Year BSc Food Science and Technology
•    4-Year BSc Agribusiness (Agricultural & Resource Economics, Agribusiness Management& Finance, Agricultural Extension, Rural Development & Gender Studies, Climate Change and Food Security) This programme is for both science-based SSCE/WASSCE holders and non-science-based applicants with three (3) credit passes in core subjects and three (3) credit passes in the elective subjects

Diploma Programmes
•    2-Year Diploma in Agriculture Technology
•    2-Year Diploma in Agribusiness
•    2-Year Diploma in Family & Consumer Sciences
•    2-Year Diploma in Food Science and Technology


•    4-Year BSc Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
•    4-Year BSc Aquaculture Technology and  Fisheries Sciences
Diploma Programme
•    2-Year Diploma in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
•    2-Year Diploma Aquaculture Technology and  Fisheries Sciences

Department of Microbiology
•    Certificate in Food Safety
The programme has six (6) weeks duration (Module 1 to 4 will have eight (8) hours per module, maximum of 4 hours per day).
Practical session will take four (4) days continuously but six (6) days for those who opt for an academic certificate.

a.    Degree and HND holders from any discipline who are interested in Food Safety
b.    JHS, SSSCE, WASSCE and Vocational School graduates who are interested in Food Safety
c.    Personnel involved in food handling in the hospitality and food industries (Hotels, Bars, Restaurants, Cold Stores etc.)
d.    Sachet/Bottle Water producers, bottlers of various local drinks and packagers of various local food products.
e.    Street food vendors (teaching will be translated into various local languages that participants understand properly, in case they do not understand English).
f.    Cooking staff of Senior High Schools, Colleges of Education, Staff of the Ghana School Feeding programmes, etc.
g.    Domestic cooks, who are interested in food safety
h.    Any other interested person working in the food supply chain


For more enquiries and application, interested applicants should contact:

1.    Dr. Courage K. S. Saba
Department of Microbiology
Faculty of Biosciences
Mobile: +233543446929


2.    Deputy Registrar
Academic and Students’ Affairs Department


•    4-Year BSc Renewable Natural Resources (Forest & Forest Resources Management; Range & Wildlife Management; Ecotourism & Environmental Management; and Fisheries & Aquatic Resource Management options)
•    4-Year BSc Ecotourism and Hospitality Management
•    4-Year  BSc Environmental Management and Sustainability
•    4-Year BSc Forest Resource Conservation and Management
These programmes are for Pure Science or Agricultural Science (WASSCE) holders only. However, non-science-based applicants with credit passes in Elective Mathematics, Economics and Geography and at least C4 in Integrated Science qualify to apply.
Diploma Programme
2-Year Diploma in Natural Resource Management


•    4-Year BSc Social Change Communication (This is a non science-based

programme for non science-based SSSCE/WASSCE holders but

Science-based students are also eligible to apply)

Diploma Programme
•    2-Year Diploma in Social Change Communication


•    4-Year BSc Mechanical Engineering (Options in Thermo-Fluids & Energy Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Applied Mechanic Engineering, Design & Production Engineering)

•    4-Year BSc Agricultural Engineering (options in Food & Post Harvest Engineering, Soil & Water Conservation Engineering, Farm Power & Machinery Engineering, Irrigation & Drainage Engineering)

Regular (Fulltime) Postgraduate Programmes

The following graduate programmes (Regular) would be offered by the University for the 2021/2022 academic year:


a.    Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences

  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Post Harvest Technology
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Soil &Water Conservation & Management
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Animal Science (Options: Meat Science, Nutrition, Breeding and Genetics, & Production)
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Crop Science (options: Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Crop Protection, Plant Pathology, & Weed Science)
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Horticulture (options: Postharvest Physiology, Postharvest Technology, Olericulture, Pomology, Seed Technology, Landscape Design and Floriculture).
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Innovation Communication
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
  • M.Sc./M.Phil. Agricultural Project Management
  • M.Sc./M.Phil. in Agribusiness
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Climate Change

b.    Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources

MSc/MPhil/PhD Environmental Management and Sustainability

c.    Faculty of Biosciences

  • MPhil. in Fisheries
  • M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. in Biotechnology


d.    School of Engineering

Master and Doctoral Research Programmes in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering



a.    School of Allied Health Sciences

  • MSc. Public Health Nutrition (PHN) – Modular
  • M.Phil. in Public Health Nutrition (PHN) – Modular
  • MPhil./PhD Chemical Pathology

The MSc/MPhil. PHN programme aims to produce a cadre of practitioners and health professionals for teaching and research in academic institutions and for positions of professional leadership in health and health-related agencies where research is an important function. The MSc/MPhil. PHN graduates will be equipped to advocate better health through diet and nutrition, promote health and reduce the risk of diet-related diseases through educational and environmental approaches to improve nutrition and physical activity.
The MSc. programme covers 16 months duration whilst the MPhil. takes two (2) academic years to complete.

The MPhil Chemical Pathology programme is full-time and takes two (2) academic years to complete.

b.    School of Public Health

  • Master of Public Health (MPH) (with options)programme is full-time and takes two (2) academic years to complete
  • Master of Public Health (MPH)in Maternal and Child Healthprogramme is full time and takes two (2) academic years
  • Master of Public Health (MPH) in Environmental Health Sciencesprogramme is full time and takes two (2) academic years
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Community Disaster Resilience Studiesprogramme is full time and takes two (2) academic years
  • Master of Science (MSc) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Community Health and Development


c.    School of Medicine and Health Sciences

  • MPhil/PhD Infectious Diseases
  • Master of Health Professionals Education

The MPH programme is full-time and takes two (2) academic years to complete.

d.    Faculty of Education

  • MPhil. in Training and Development
  • MPhil. in Agriculture Education
  • MPhil Special Education
  • MPhil Measurement and Evaluation
  • MPhil Educational Management and Planning


e.    Faculty of Sustainable Development

  • MSc/MPhil Development Education Studies

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