Education Review Presentations On Status of Education At Various Districts In Ghana
Education Review Presentations On Status of Education At Various Districts
The Ghana Education Service in partnership with stakeholders of education is undertaken a education review program presentations designed to bring all local stakeholders of education together at the various districts to assess the status of education and strategize collectively for improved outcomes.
Focus of the Program
The program is designed in such a way that the education directorate makes a powerpoint presentation covering all sectors of education and indicators with participants interrogating the presentations thoroughly all geared towards making a significant impact in education.
Various Districts undertake the review program while the Regional Directorates also does same.
There have been positive reviews of the program which is an honest assessment of education in the various directorates by various stakeholders affected by education.
• All Districts and Regional Education Directors will present on the status of education in their various Districts or Regions at the Review (clusters and/or Regional) forum focusing on the Key Performance Indicators(KPI) stipulated in the Education Strategic Plan (2018 -2030) and share identified gaps for
1. Introduction
General demographic and socioeconomic description of District /region
2. General descriptive statistics of physical infrastructure
3. Enrollment and completion per level
4. Human Resource/Staffing
Teaching and Non-teaching
PTR per level
5. Learning outcomes per sector
Percentage of schools achieving below 5% pass rate in BECE
and WASSCE over the past 3 years and interventions being
implemented to improve performance in those schools
6. School Management/Governance/Accountability
Implementation of school improvement plans (SPIP &
School governance – SMCs, SHS Boards.
7. Best Practices/Achievements in the
past 1 year
3 key Challenges
The Education Review Presentations is a great initiative to make education authorities accountable to the the various stakeholders of education and to have collective approach at dealing educational challenges in the various districts.