Don’t Die With Cash in Your Momo; Here’s How To Add, Change or Update Your Next of Kin on MTN

It is a requirement to provide the details of a next of kin whenever you are registering for a Mobile Money (MoMo) service. Next of kins play essential roles in retrieving your mobile money account balance if you happen to die.
Have you ever thought of a situation where there is a mistake in the spelling of the name of your next of kin, or your next of kin dies before you do and there’s a need to update your details? Everyone makes mistakes and tragedies do happen; but do you have an idea on what to do in case of any of those situations? If you do not have an idea, then this will certainly do you a lot of good.
In this post, you will find out how you can check and change your MTN MoMo next of kin if you so desire.
How to check your MoMo next of kin
Dial *170#
Select option 6 (My Wallet)
Select option 10 (Name & Next of Kin)
Your name, as well as that of your next of kin, will be displayed
check and change your MTN MoMo next of Kin
How to change your MoMo next of kin
Dial *170#
Select option 6 (My Wallet)
Select option 10 (Name & Next of Kin)
Select 1 (Change Next of Kin)
Enter the phone number of your new next of kin.
Enter the person’s First Name
Enter the person’s Surname
Enter your MoMo pin
Enter 1 to confirm the change.
Once you complete the process, you would immediately receive an SMS on the changes you just made. The next of kin you use for your mobile money account determines who your account balance ends up with in case you die, so if you need to check and change your MTN MoMo next of Kin, treat it with great diligence.
Please note that the process narrated above is for only MTN mobile money (MoMo) users.