The curriculum framework for pre-tertiary education provision in Ghana and the curriculum
that it has guided to be developed, are critical in defining the future prospects of Ghana’s
young people. Through the education that Ghana’s young people receive, the Ministry of
Education expects that Ghana’s young people will be nurtured into honest, creative and
responsible citizens, making meaningful contribution to society. Learners from the pretertiary education system are expected to be fluent in Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic and
cReativity, in addition to being developed into lifelong learners, who are digitally fluent. The
learning outcomes of learners in schools across Ghana must be improved, because
appropriate policy measures, including the use of standards-based curriculum in the schools
have been implemented and they are working.
This requires that our approach to teaching and learning needs to change and our intended
outcomes must contribute to the achievement of national development priorities and global
sustainable development goals. The development of this framework through an extensive
national consultation with stakeholders, will inform the production of the National
Curriculum. This is an essential step in ensuring that all learners in our schools receive highquality education aimed at ensuring that each learner reaches his or her full potential. As a
result, the National Pre-tertiary Education Curriculum Framework:
The National Pre-tertiary Education Curriculum Framework is the policy guideline against
which the school curriculum will be reviewed and revised. The school curriculum is then
positioned to develop graduates who are problem solvers, have the ability to think creatively
and have both the confidence and competence to participate fully in the Ghanaian society as
responsible local and global citizens.
Within the vision of the Ministry of Education to provide high-quality education to all of
Ghana’s children and young people, it is expected that education stakeholders will ensure
that the framework is effectively implemented for their benefit.
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