The Ghana Education Service (GES) has announced official processes to recruit Diploma Certificate Teachers.
Many graduates have been wondering when the Service will officially commence official processes to recruit Diploma Graduate Teachers from the various Colleges of Education.
This therefore gives opportunity for Basic Education Certificate Holders who have written their Licensure Exam to and passed with no outstanding trailed courses in school stand the brightest chance of getting recruited into the Ghana Education Service.
Applicants might have also completed their National Service and be willing to serve in any part of the country.
About GES
The Ghana Education Service (GES) was established, as part of the Public Service of Ghana, in 1974 by NRCD 247 and was subsequently amended by NRCD 252, 357 and SMCD 63. Under the forth Republican Constitution of Ghana, these earlier legislation have been amended by Acts of Parliament, including Act 506 (1994) and Act 778 (2008). The GES is governed by a fifteen-member Council called the GES Council.
GES recruitment is highly anticipated every year and this will come as a refreshing news for all Diploma Certificate Teachers.
The application exercise is opened from the 10th February to 24th February, 2023.
Application forms can be accessed on the portal
Applicants might have also completed their National Service and be willing to serve in any part of the country.
Basic Education Certificate Holders who have written their Licensure Exam to and passed with no outstanding trailed courses in school stand the brightest chance of getting recruited into the Ghana Education Service.
Applicants should also be prepared to serve in any part of the country.
Diploma Holders who have the necessary qualifications stand a good chance of being recruited into the GES to begin a career journey in the teaching profession.
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