GIMPA grading system 2022/2023
The Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration is the Evergreen Centre of Excellence in Management, Leadership, Law, ICT and Public Administration.
This article will take you through the Grading System of GIMPA
Interpretation and Application of Letter Grades:
- ‘A+’ to ‘D+’ constitute pass grades
- ‘D’, ‘F’ and ‘Z’ are fail grades
- ‘Z’: Grades are Grades given to students due to malpractice or offence at the examination hall.
- ‘I’: Grades refers to students who had INCOMPLETE during their courses
- ‘Y’: Denotes EXEMPTION from a course, based on approved prior learning.
- Where there are no extenuating circumstances for a student who have Incomplete courses, a grade F shall be awarded. The student must retake the course at the next offering.
This article will glance you through the Grading System at GIMPA.
Grade | MARK (%) | Grade Point (GP) | Interpretation |
A+ | 80-100 | 4.00 | Distinction |
A | 70-79 | 3.75 | Excellent |
B+ | 65-69 | 3.50 | Very Good |
B | 60-64 | 3.00 | Good |
C+ | 55-59 | 2.50 | Average |
C | 50-54 | 2.00 | Pass |
D+ | 45-49 | 1.75 | Pass |
D | 40-44 | 1.00 | Fail |
F | 0-39 | 0 | Fail |
Z | – | – | Disqualified |
I | – | – | Incomplete |
Y | – | – | Exempt |
Course Exemption
A student who wishes to be exempted from taking a course should apply to the Dean for an exemption. Exemptions are only granted for courses with similar content taken at accredited universities with a grade of at least ‘B’ as per the Institute’s grading system. Such courses should have been taken within the last three (3) years.
Exemptions shall not be available for courses at level 300 and beyond.
Course Replacement
Where a student has to take a course which is no longer offered, the course shall be replaced with a related one upon approval by the Head of Department.
A student who takes a course in an international student exchange programme and where the course can be matched to a related course at the Institute, shall have that course replaced with a related course at the Institute upon approval by the Head of Department.
Where a student takes a course in an international exchange programme that cannot be matched to a related course at the Institute, no credit shall be awarded under the student’s programme of study at the Institute.
Grade Point (GP)
For each letter grade there is a corresponding Grade Point as indicated in section 5.16.1. The Grade Point earned by a student for each course completed is computed as the product of the number of credits (credit units) for the course and the Grade Point equivalent of the letter grade obtained in the course.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The Grade Point Average is obtained by dividing the sum of the weighted Grade Points obtained by the total number of credits (credit units) of courses registered. A student does not earn credit for “Y” grade.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
A Student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average is calculated by dividing the total number of weighted grade points obtained, up to any specified time, by the total number of credits taken (CCT) up to that time.
Final Grade Point Average (FGPA)
The Final Grade Point Average is the Cumulative Grade Point Average for all courses for which the student has taken up to the end of the academic programme for reasons adjudged by the Academic Board as satisfactory.
Change of Grade
A previously entered grade shall not be altered except in conformity with the Institutes’ policy governing change of grade.
Changes in previously recorded grades may be made within twenty-one (21) days after the official release of the results where the original instructor completes the appropriate forms and supports it with evidence that an actual mistake was made in determining or recording, and is approved by the Dean.
Deferments and Withdrawals
A student who intends to interrupt his/her study programme can only do so with the prior written approval obtained by an appropriate application made in advance through the Dean of Students to the Dean of School or Faculty, stating reasons why he/she wants to interrupt his/her study programme. Permission must be duly granted by the Dean and communicated to the applicant through the Office of the Director of Academic Affairs in writing.
Deferment may be granted for a maximum period of one (1) academic year at a time. In every case, the statute of limitation rule (see section 5.9) shall apply.
A fee shall be charged for deferment.
Deferment should be done within two weeks into a semester/modular session. Except in extenuating circumstances, deferment granted beyond two weeks into the semester/modular session shall not attract a fee refund.
Deferment is at the student’s own risk as course offerings, scheduling, fees and regulations may change.
A student who withdraws from a course without prior notification shall be liable to pay the full fees for the semester/modular session.
Students in Good Standing
An undergraduate student is required to maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 1.75 in order to remain in good academic standing. A student whose CGPA falls below 1.75 at the end of any semester/modular session is automatically on academic probation. A student who is on academic probation for two (2) consecutive semesters/modular sessions and who fails to raise his/her CGPA to a satisfactory level at the conclusion of the two consecutive semesters/modular sessions of probation will be withdrawn from the Institute. A continuing student who fails three or more courses in a semester/modular session will repeat that semester/modular session. A student with three or more retakes at the end of any semester shall be required to suspend the programme and redeem the failed courses before progressing. In every case, the statute of limitation rule (see section 5.9) shall apply. The Director of Academic Affairs shall submit a report of students who are not in good standing to the Academic Board for withdrawal from the Institute at the end of each semester/modular session.
An academic withdrawal appeal can be made when the student can provide independent evidence to show that:
1) Staff or bodies have not followed the approved regulations and procedures or have not followed them in due care.
- Staff or bodies have not acted fairly towards the student or appear to show bias in the way the academic decision was made.
- Other mitigating circumstances have not been taken into account in making the decision.
Appeals concerning academic progress such as academic withdrawal must be addressed in writing to the Dean of Students who will review the matter and prepare a report and written recommendation for review by the Academic Board. The Academic Board will review the application and make the final decision regarding a student’s appeal.
Project Work Requirements
Undergraduate degree students who have prepared a project work as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for the bachelors’ degree are required to submit an original, signed hard copy by both the student and the supervisor of the project and any other requirements as per the prescribed procedure laid down by their respective Schools.
Procedures and regulations governing the formatting, production, and submission are published and available in the Schools/Faculties.
Once students begin writing project work, they must be continuously enrolled at the Institute until the degree requirements are satisfied. Enrolment may be satisfied by being registered for project work until the project work is approved and submitted to the Dean of the School or Faculty. Students failing to maintain continuous registration will be required to pay the costs of all previous semesters/modular sessions for which
Registration was required. Degree requirements may not be satisfied until this is done.
- Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the Institute’s undergraduate award, a student must earn the required minimum number of academic credits approved by the respective School/Faculty Board for each study programme and obtain a Final Grade Point Average (FGPA) of at least 1.75. The student must pass all the approved and required courses. All students must apply to graduate whether attending the graduation ceremony or not. All applications for graduation must be submitted to the Academic Registry by the end of the second week into the second semester of the final year. In the case of students on modular programmes, the application must be submitted by the end of the first week of their final modular session. Failure to meet the published deadline shall delay graduation for one full year. A student is ultimately responsible for checking that he/she is meeting graduation requirements for his/her programme of study. - Classification
The scheme of classification of undergraduate degrees is as follows:
Class | Final Grade Point Average (FGPA) |
First | 3.75 – 4.00 |
Second Upper | 3.25 – 3.74 |
Second Lower | 2.60 – 3.24 |
Third | 2.00 – 2.59 |
Pass | 1.75 – 1.99 |