
Graphics Design Schools In Ghana.

As the world keeps evolving in this 21st Century, digitalisation is now what is thriving. Digital skills like; Content Creations(Visual, text and videos), Digital Marketing, just to mention a few are what employers in this era are demanding from potential employees.

Graphics Design is a Content Creation skill that is in a high demand. Graphics Design is a marketable job.


Graphic Design is the art of organizing and developing visual content to communicate ideas and messages. Graphic design is simply the process of creating and sharing a meaningful thought, information or message with visuals and elements as images, colors, text, shapes et cetera.


Graphic design is a strong communication tool as it reaches out to pass across an information to viewers.

Think about The flyers you see that informs you of an event.

Think about the banners, logos, magazines and designs that informs you of the values and identity of a business.

All these come together to pass relevant information to viewers. They speak loudly even when you fail to speak.

Imagine the effect a business card has on a business. Why will a business owner print a business card and hand it over to prospective client even without uttering a word.

The card speaks on his behalf.

So graphics design is a voice that communicates a clear message to viewers.


Irrespective of your level of education, you can learn graphic designing both online and offline. 

As an undergraduate or postgraduate student, learning graphics designing will help you have a great portfolio which will make you employable.

The following are offline schools that offers Graphics Design in Ghana.


  • Accra Film School.

Phone: +233 0265311544/+233 0264 253 165

  • Accra International School Of Advertising And Design (AISAD).

Physical Address: No. 109 Avenue E Kofi Annan Avenue,

North Legon, Accra

Phone: +233 0303 935 943

Email: info@aisad.edu.gh

  • Intaleks School Of Design.

Address: KNUST Ayeduase gate, Kumasi.

Phone: +233 032 2219 1072

  • Bluecrest College.

Address: Cola Street, near ATTC adjacent society generale

head office, Kokomelemele.

Phone: 030 2250 0649 / 030 2551 1151

Email: contactus@bluecrest.edu.gh

  • Radford University.

Address: 83A Lagos Avenue, East Legon, Accra.

Email: info@radforduc.edu.gh

  • Joyce Ababio College of Creative Design.

Telephone: 030 279 7471

  • All Class Business Limited.

Telephone: 024 465 6634

  • Hanscia Graphics.

Phone: 024 968 9931

  • Deseret School Of Design.

Phone: 055 666 2426

  • Royal Media College, Ghana.
  • IPMC I.T. Learning Centre.
  • Hope Life School of Languages, Accra.
  • M and J Institute, Accra.
  • Kodabs Institute.

I hope all your questions were answered.

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