How To Get License From NaSIA To Operate A Private School In Ghana
NaSIA regulates the establishment of new schools and the quality of infrastructure and facilities in Pre-Tertiary Educational Institutions (PTEIs).
To establish a new school in Ghana, one must seek authorization from National Schools Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA)
NaSIA recommends that new schools must meet basic standards and such would-be School Proprietors would need a temporal license issued to them to commence operation.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which direct the development agenda for all countries, require the latter to build and upgrade educational facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive, and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive, and effective learning environments for all. School Proprietors seeking to establish a new school in Ghana are required to seek authorization from NaSIA.Additional guidelines and processes for establishing a new school can be found in NaSIA’s Guidelines for the School Establishment and Inspection Policy.
To the right is a flowchart that outlines guidelines for the establishment of a new school.
According to NaSIA, one has to follow a simple procedure on to establish a School in Ghana. Below is a simple step by step guide on how to operate a private school in Ghana.
- Obtain the Application for authorization from NaSIA, complete it and submit it along with the supporting documentation and the necessary application fees
- NaSIA requires that the individual intending to open a school completes and submits “Notice of Intent to Operate Form. This form is reviewed by NASIA after which a Compliance inspection is conducted.
- If NaSIA is not satisfied, it will make the necessary recommendations to the Proprietor for the necessary actions to be taken before another inspection is conducted again.
- If NaSIA feels that all the necessary minimum requirements are met, It will issue a Provisional license to the individual to commence operation on provisional basis.
Frequently Asked Questions
School Licensing is the process of acquiring an official certificate or record, for an educational institution to operate. You must be licensed by NaSIA if you will provide full-time education for 5 or more pupils of compulsory school age with an education.
The National Schools Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA), is an Agency of the Ministry of Education responsible for providing an independent external evaluation of the quality and standards in basic and second cycle educational institutions. The NaSIA is responsible for licensing all pre-tertiary educational and training institutions and facilities in Ghana.
You must be licensed by NaSIA before you can run a school in Ghana.
- All schools should be duly licensed to operate before commencing business.
- Schools without license to operate would be sanctioned.
Before application for Licensing
- School must be registered at the Registrar General’s Department.
- School must be registered at the Local Authority where it is located.
- Applicant needs to make payment to fill the form. Payment details will be required when filling the school licensing application form.
After a successful application for licensing, the applicant would be notified
- A notice of date for inspection of the school will be communicated to management of the school not less than one week before the inspection.
- In case of any unforeseen circumstance which hinders the possibility of inspection on the agreed date, management of the school would be duly informed and a new date will be scheduled.
- Inspectors from NaSIA would be panelled to verify that the school meets the required standards set by the NaSIA.
- The team of Inspectors will then required to submit a report on the inspection to the Inspector-General of Schools for final approval.