A sandwich course is an educational course in which you have periods of study between periods of being at work. Sandwich courses can be ‘thick’ with one long placement or ‘thin’ with two or more shorter periods on a placement and are favored by a number of high ranking universities.
The College of Education at the University of Ghana School of Education and Leadership at the College, through its Department of Teacher Education, has developed the Master of Arts degree in Education to develop world-class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges.
This sandwich program aims at exposing students to best practices in teaching and learning using the latest proven learning technologies. It supports the utilization of research both to inform teaching and to tackle the broader issues of education. All the courses are designed to equip those who wish to begin a teaching career in Mathematics, English, and Science at the senior high level with skills to maximize student learning outcomes.
Currently in Ghana, graduates from non-education backgrounds teach in public and private schools around the country. This program is primarily designed to provide graduates from non-education disciplines the opportunity to become professional teachers by gaining the requisite educational knowledge, skills and practices to be effective teachers in Ghana and in other international contexts.
The program also seeks to formalize the training that teachers need to develop the needed skills in pedagogical knowledge and instructional practices relevant to the subjects they teach.
Specifically, the program will enable students to develop:
- Broad-based knowledge and understanding of theories of education within the Ghanaian and Sub-Saharan African context.
- Essential technological skills as well as the management of appropriate technological resources to enhance learning.
· A practical competent to facilitate the expectations accorded to courses such as Science, Mathematics and English education in Ghanaian senior high schools.
· Better skills and understanding of issues relating to teacher quality, preparation, training and development of leadership identities, and to critically examine such identity formation in the context of equality, inclusiveness and social justice.
This MA Sandwich program is designed to help individuals access high quality research intensive education, while attending to other responsibilities.
Essentially, the program will enable students to develop:
- Broad-based knowledge and understanding of theories of educational leadership and management for better engagement in issues and debates in the field of education.
- A range of frameworks for understanding learners’ performance, better and new ways of professional development and organisational learning so as to enhance professional practice in the Ghanaian context.
· Better skills and understanding of issues relating to teacher quality, preparation, training and development of leadership identities and to critically examine such identity formation in the context of equality, inclusiveness and social justice.
First Semester
- Educational Foundations
- Management Information Systems in Education
- Educational Management and Supervision
- Research Methods in Education
Elective Courses
- Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics
- Methods of Teaching Secondary School English
- Methods of Teaching Secondary School Science
- -Curriculum and Teaching Electives
- The Practice of Teacher Education
- Theories of Instruction
- –Measurement and Evaluation Electives
- Educational Policy and Planning
- Assessment in Education
- Program Evaluation in Education
Second Semester
Core Courses
- Inclusive Education
- Educational Evaluation and School Improvement
- Principles of Curriculum Development
- Practice-Based Internship
- Records of Instructional Practice
- Special Topic 2
Elective Courses
- -Curriculum and Teaching Electives
- Processes of Curriculum Development
- The Practice of Teaching
- Extra-curricular Programming
- Game-based Learning
- –Measurement and Evaluation Electives
- Educational Measurement and Evaluation
- Human Resource Management in Education
- Education Finance and Budgeting