
 In the department of computing systems, its main work is to provide IT services that the University of Ghana requires to fulfil its mission to be a world-class centre for research and teaching.

As well as the core IT systems, tools and services that keep the University running day-to-day, we provide innovative services and projects to support learning, teaching and research. Our work is wide-ranging and diverse.


To provide an innovative and enabling ICT environment for teaching, learning and research that create opportunities for sharing ideas, knowledge and best practices. 


We are located on the left side of the Balme Library, behind the Department of Economics Conference Facility!1m4!2m1!1sUniversity+of+Ghana+Computing+Systems%28UGCS%29+W.E.B.+Dubois+Rd%2C+Accra%2C+Ghana!5e0!6i18!5m1!1sen

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