What GES Says About Teachers Doing Politics, Doing Outside Jobs, Writing Anonymous Letters, Giving Loans & Associated Penalties


We continues to update GES Staff on the Code of Conduct in our series of write ups over the past months. Many have found this exercise very useful and educative. Today we look at what the code says about doing Partisan politics, writing anonymous letters, doing other jobs aside the Teaching profession and absence from duty and giving Loans to other colleague teachers.

3.34 Participation in Partisan politics.
i) Every staff is entitled to his/her own
political opinion and may, if
qualified, vote at elections.
ii) No staff shall, in the performance of
his/her duties engage in any
activities that are likely to involve
him/her in political controversy or
lead to his/her taking improper
advantage of his/her position in the
Ghana Education Service.
iii) Any staff who is seeking public
office through an election either on
the ticket of a Political Party or as an
Independent candidate shall apply to
the Director General for a leave of
absence without pay

iv) An application for such a leave of
absence without pay must be
submitted in writing, at least, three
(3) months prior to elections.
v) In the case of by elections fourteen
(14) days’ notice will be required.

3.37 Anonymous Letters
No staff shall write or circulate
anonymous letters with malicious intent.

3.40 Outside Remuneration and Voluntary
A staff of the GES may provide a service
outside the permanent employment of
that staff or carry on business, receive
remuneration from public funds for
activities outside the position of the Staff
or engage in volunteer activities, if the
service, business or activity does not:
i) Interfere with the performance of
his/her duty as a GES staff;
ii) Bring the GES into disrepute;
iii) Create a conflict of interest or the
reasonable perception of conflict of
iv) Appear to represent Government
opinion or policy;
Involve the unauthorized use of
work time or Government premises,
services equipment, or supplies;

3.5 Private Activities during Business
No teacher shall engage in private
and personal conversation during
lesson period(s) when he/she is
expected to teach or to supervise
pupils at work or play.
No staff shall trade or transact any
private financial business on the
school premises during school hours.

iii) No staff shall perform unofficial
duties or activities during school
hours without permission from the
head of his/her institution.

3.15 Absence from Duty
i) No staff may leave the school/office
during working hours without the
permission of the head of the
ii) A staff leaving the school for duty
elsewhere shall inform his/her head
of his/her whereabouts to facilitate
his/her recall in an emergency.
iii) A staff shall not absent him/herself
from work on ground of ill-health
without permission from his/her
head and subsequent submission of a
medical certificate from a certified
medical practitioner or registered
traditional healer if he/she has to be
absent for more than five (5)
working days.
iv) A staff shall not absent him/herself
from assigned work without

It is misconduct for a staff to absent
him/herself from duty for one (l) or
more days continuous without
permission or reasonable excuse or
vi) Astaff who absents him/herself from
duty continuously for ten (10)
working days or more shall be
deemed to have vacated post.
vii) No staff shall leave Ghana without a
written permission from the Director
General of the Ghana Education

3.29 Loan
No staff may advance any loan
whatsoever to another staff with interest
or act as an intermediary between any
staff, registered and recognized money
lender or take part in collecting debts on
behalf of any moneylender.

4.4 MinorMisconduct
The classified minor acts or omissions
under misconduct are found in the
following sections of the Code:
Part 3
Number 3.1
i, ii
Number 3.2
i, ii, iii, iv, v
Number 3.3
i, ii, iii, iv, v
Number 3.4
i, ii, iii
Number 3.5
i, ii, iii
Number 3.6
Number 3.7
i, ii, iii, iv, v
Number 3.8a
i, ii, iii, iv, v, ix, x
Number 3.8b
i, ii, iii, iv, viii, ix, x, xi
Number 3.8c
i, xi, xiii
Number 3.9

Number 3.10
i, ii, iii
Number 3.11
Number 3.12
Number 3.13
Number 3.14
Number 3.15
i, vi, vii
Number 3.16
i, ii
Number 3.17
i, iv
Number 3.18
Number 3.19
Number 3.21
ii, iii
Number 3.22
ii, ii
Number 3.29
Number 3.30
Number 3.31
Number 3.33
i, iii
Number 3.38
i, ii
Number 3.39
ii, iii
Number 3.40
i, v, vi
Number 3.41

4.5 MajorMisconduct
The classified major acts or omissions
under misconduct are found in the
following Numbers of the Code:
Number 3.4
iv, v
Number 3.8a
vi, vii, viii
Number 3.8b
Number 3.8c
ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii. viii,
ix, x, xi, xii
Number 3.15
iv, vi, vii
Number 3.17
i, iii, v
Number 3.20
Number 3.23
i, ii; iii, iv
Number 3.24
i, ii iii, iv, v
Number 3.25
Number 3.26
i, ii, iii
Number 3.27
Number 3.28
Number 3.32
i, ii, iii, iv
Number 3.33

Number 3.34
Number 3.35
Number 3.36
i, il iii, iv
Number 3.37
Number 3.38
Number 3.40
ii iii, iv, v, vi

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