With the Basic Education Certificate Examination(BECE) starting on Monday, 17th October which is just a few days away to Friday, 21st of October, 2022,
Below are some instructions from WAEC candidates must heed to.
- The examination centre shall be under the control of the Supervisor who shall be responsible to the Council for the proper conduct of the examination.
It is the duty of the Supervisor in all cases of irregularity or misconduct in the examination to report to the Council.
Acandidate who is involved in such irregularity or misconduct must be allowed to continue the examination; unless he/she interferes with the work of the other candidates. Further action on such candidates will be taken by the Council in accordance with its rules and regulations.
- A candidate whose examination work is affected by circumstances should inform the Supervisor at the centre at which he/she takes the examination before, during or immediately after the examination. In case of sickness he/she must supply the Supervisor with a medical report, which should be forwarded to the Council.
- It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to report all cases of irregularity, misconduct or acts which contravene the rules governing the proper conduct of the examination.
- Any candidate who is reported for misconduct or malpractice is expected to write a statement on his/her conduct.
- Candidates must obey all instructions given by the Supervisors and Invigilators. In particular, they must enter and leave the hall when told to do so.
- Candidates must not give or receive any assistance in answering the examination questions.
- Candidates must not talk to other candidates during the examination.
- Candidates must not tear any part of their question papers and objective answer sheets or answer booklets.
- Candidates must stop work when they are told to do so and must always hand over their objective answer sheets or answer booklets to the Supervisors/Invigilators at the end of the examination.
Candidates should not remove any answer booklet or question paper from the examination hall. Examination papers remain the property of the Council and may only be removed if the Supervisor permits it.
- In all cases of irregularity, the Council may, after considering the report, cancel either the results of the candidate in the subject involved or his/her entire results.
- Candidates should not bring any book, paper, bag, mobile phone or unapproved material into the examination room/hall. Such cases will be punished as prescribed by Rules and Regulations of the examination.
- The Council does not accept responsibility for such books, bags, mobile phone or other property which candidates leave at the precincts of the examination centres.
- Candidates may not be allowed into the examination hall after thirty (30) minutes of the commencement of the examination.
- Candidates should not leave the examination hall within thirty (30) minutes of the commencement of the examination.
I hope this article answered your question.
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