Could this be the Placement Cut-Off Points and Corresponding Choices of Schools?

Getting into the senior high school of your choice is one of the most significant accomplishments any senior high school (SHS) can make. Well, most graduates from junior high school become perplexed when it comes to SHS placement issues.
Before one gets the opportunity to be placed in his/her choice of senior high school, the individual must follow the SHS placement guidelines issued by the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) secretariat. The guidelines for the selection of senior high schools are as follows;
All public second-cycle institutions have been categorized into four (4) groups, namely: Categories A, B, C, and D. All technical and vocational education and training institutions have been classified into A, B, and C, and added to SHS/ SHTS”.
Parents are urged to notice that all schools selected (1st to 6th) are considered in the placement of candidates before making any decisions about schools and programs offered in these schools.
Before a student engages in the selection of SHSs, the conditions underneath must be keenly observed to prevent any anomalies.
Conditions for SHS Placement of BECE Candidates under the CSSPS
The candidate:
Must choose Six (6) schools (1st – 6th choices) in all
Must select programmes and accommodation for each selected school
Must choose a compulsory day as 6th choice (Catchment Area School) or choose boarding School from the list of schools in Appendix 3
Must list 1st to 5th choices in order of preference
Candidates who wish to offer purely TVET Programmes must select all six (6) TVETS schools from CATEGORY A, B and C as Day or Boarding
Cannot choose more than one (1) School from Category A
Cannot select more than two (2) schools from Category B
May select five (5) choices from Category C and One (1) from Category D (Day) or Appendix 3 (Special Boarding)
Candidates should be aware that those who choose to take courses in private schools must make their own arrangements with the Private SHS or PRIVATE TVET.
Fast forward, the following are the SHS Grades and their Corresponding School Placement in 2022.
Public SHS Grades and Corresponding School Placement -2022
A. 6-12
B. 13-21
C. 22-30
D. 31-54
Public SHS Grades and Corresponding School Placement -2022
Kindly note that the SHS category and its corresponding grades may change based on how the individual does his/her selection.