7 Mistakes You Must Avoid During Self Placement for SHS

BECE graduates who were not automatically placed need to avoid these mistakes we share in this article during 2021 Self Placement into SHS. Students who have been placed automatically cannot use the 2021 Self Placement Module.
Following the release of the 2021 School Placement 187,542 of the qualified candidates who were not placed will have to use the Self Placement Module to get placed in a school. This number represents 33.76% of those who qualified for placement but were not automatically placed.
What are the mistakes to avoid during 2021 Self Placement into SHS?
Candidates must avoid the temptation of choosing schools with the help of uninformed cafe attendants. Always get help from your parents and guardians.
Do not choose a school without the approval of your parents or guardians.
Avoid the tendency of constantly changing the school you have chosen through the self-placement module. The reason is that the moment candidates start using the self-placement module, the schools loaded and in the database of the portal will start reducing or disappearing.
If you choose a school, then come back to change it, it may not be available the next time you come to replace yourself in that same school. Once you change a school, another student gets the chance to be placed in that same school.
When you are given the chance to do the self-placement, do not delay so much going back to the portal to make the correct choice.
Parents and guardians must be available to lead the process to avoid the challenges of their wards being placed in the wrong schools by cafe attendants.
Make sure you are certain about the school you chose during the self-placement before you go to the school with your printout. Once you get to the school and hand over the enrolment form, you cannot come back to change the school from the portal.
When using the 2021 School Placement Module, do not choose a school or a program all because your friend chose it. Make the choice based on your preferred programme.
Do not choose a programme you are not interested in, all because it is in a school you want to study in.
See also 2021 BECE cut-off point or pass mark not aggregate 25
Read: 2021/2022 School Placement: 187,500 to do self placement, no school for 16500
If candidates, parents, and guardians avoid the mistakes outlined above during the 2021 Self Placement, the right choices will be made easily.
Source: Ghanaeducation.org