GALOP Schools To Be Trained On mSRC; District Officers Undergo Training Ahead of Implementation


Over Ten Thousand selected Gallop Schools will be required to access the mobile School Report Card (mSRC) platform to give information on varied areas in their schools for decision making.

District Officers from the various Education Directorates from all Regions in Ghana have been undergoing series of Training on the use of the mSRC platform. The District officers in turn will train Heads of schools and SISOs for a smooth take off.


The mSRC platform receives useful data on weekly and termly school reports, list of Teachers, student enrollment, student attendance, teacher attendance, Pupil performance, number of textbooks, security issues, furniture, sanitation among other relevant information in the school.


The system enables data to be received in real time for decision making.

The Director in charge of Programs and Partnerships at the G. E. S. Headquarters, Mr. Frederick Birikorang and other Facilitators took participants through comprehensive sessions on how the mSRC system works and how to generate information from the system for decision making.

The Workshop is currently ongoing at Noda Hotel in Kumasi for selected Regional and District Officers.

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