GNAT says will disrupt teaching if bungalow rent is not removed

GNAT says will disrupt teaching if bungalow rent is not removed

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) following a directive for 10% to be deducted from the salary of teachers occupying school cottages has said it will disrupt academic activities if the bungalow rent is not suspended.
Describing the directive as a breach of the Collective Agreement letter, the teacher union said section 2l (i) of the Agreement states the GES shall provide accommodation for teachers performing house duties in various schools.
In a statement copied to EducationWeb, GNAT said it is unclear whether the directive to deduct 10% from teachers’ salaries is a calculated attempt by the Ghana Education Service to renege the stipulations in the Collective Agreement.
“If that is, that would not hold, since it both a breach of Union trust and an unfair labour decision. Any attempt to implement this would be resisted fiercely and the industrial peace on the educational front could be jeopardised,” it stated.
The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) consequently has advised the Ghana Education Service (GES) to withdraw the action to ensure serene teaching and learning in all government schools across the country.
In line with GNAT, the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has also asked the Ghana Education (GES) Service to exempt teachers from the government’s decision to deduct 10% from their salary as bungalow rent.
President of the Teachers Association, Mr Angel Carbonu speaking on Citi FM’s EyeWitness show said public school teachers are not in opposition to the 10% deduction but the government should at least consider teachers.
Explaining why teachers should not be charged for occupying a school bungalow, the Graduate Teachers Association member said teachers were only employed to teach but they aside their job perform house duties in school.
“Teachers supervise prep activities, engage themselves in weekend activities and take students to hospitals when they fall sick at night, so why do you ask them to pay for accommodation when they are offering such services?” he quizzed.
He Monday told the host of EyeWitness news show, Umaru Sanda Amadu that the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and other teacher unions will meet for teachers to be exempted from the rent deduction.