Headmaster paints school and replaces old doors with new ones with his own salary.

Headmaster paints school and replaces old doors with new ones with his own salary.
Mr Boakye Marfo is the Headmaster for Kwasi Nyarko Presby Primary School( government school). According to reports from Kessben TV “Breaking News this Afternoon, he has renovated the school with his own salary which included painting of the school and also installation of new doors
Speaking on Kessben TV, he explained that, after he became the headmaster of the school, he tried to make changes to help the school and one of the problems he identified was the poor look of the school. According to the head, since the school was painted in 1965, it has never been painted again. The walls had started peeling off and this is the least he could do to help as the head teacher of the school
Also, he discovered that the door to the classrooms had spoiled and some of the local people in the community, the bad ones used to do a lot of bad things in the classrooms, so he decided to replace them so that they wouldn’t come to school everyday to see the drugs and other unpleasant things in the rooms.
Mr Boakye Marfo has done a great job and I think he needs to be appreciated to help encourage others to do the Government little favors like these
Source: gh.opera.com