How To Apply For NAGRAT Loan Fund Online
About Nagrat
The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has the vision of fundamentally bringing all University Degree holders in the Ghana Education Services (GES) under one and the same umbrella to constitute a platform whereby the fraternity of graduates in the GES could share ideas and identify common and peculiar problems and find solutions to them, is the vision of NAGRAT.
Nagrat has the welfare of its members at heart and seeks to create a fund that can address the financial challenges of its members
About NAGRAT loan fund
The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) is an association of graduate teachers pooling resources together for the mutual benefit of all members.
Pursuant to this vision, the Association has created a Loan Fund where members in need of financial support can apply at a reduced interest rate for support.
What are the requirements for a Nagrat loan?
Before you can apply for a Nagrat loan, there are some requirements you need to meet. They include:
- Membership of the Association (NAGRAT).
- Fund Dues Paying Member of the NAGRAT.
- Should have been a Contributor of the NAGRAT Fund Loan Scheme for at least six (6) months.
- Fill an online form on the NAGRAT Fund Online Portal
How to apply for Nagrat Loan Fund Online
A NAGRAT member can submit an online loan application by following the steps below;
- Visit the website
- If its the first time visit, input your staff ID, then click on forget password, a password will be sent to your phone number. You then add input that password to the portal together with your staff ID.
- Upload your records to the site.
- You will need to get your affordability and also generate mandate forms from before you can complete the loan form online
- You then input the staff ID of your Guarantor who should be another NAGRAT member.
- The Gurantor will receive a code. You will need that code to complete the form.
- Click the “Apply for Loan” button on the portal to proceed.
- After all requirements are met, you can click on submit t0 apply for your loan.
- At your profile section, you would have already provided your bank details which will reflect on the Loan Portal during the application.
What is the interest rate on Nagrat loan?
With effect from September 7, 2020, the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has lowered its interest rates on Fund loans from 14% to 12%. On September 4, 2020, the Union released a statement through its president, Angel Agbe Carbonu.
NAGRAT has reduced the stress and burden that characterized loan applications with the introduction of the loan portal.