The advancement of the world concerning the growth of science and technology, calls for highly skilled professionals to meet the growing standards. This is even more crucial in health and its related sciences. Changes in the dynamics of the world’s population suggest the need for eye care to increase in the future.

The KNUST Department of Optometry and Visual Science (DOVS) is the first and one of only two optometric training programs in Ghana. The Department initially started about twenty years ago as a unit under the Physics Department offering Postgraduate Diploma in Optometry. It was upgraded to a full Department in July 2002 to run an undergraduate program reading to B.Sc. (Optometry) degree. However, realizing the important and critical role of this program in the health care delivery system of Ghana concerning critical eye care needs, the four-year program has expanded to a six-year credited program leading to the award of Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree, creating world-class optometrists with practical experience both in and out of the classroom. The Department also runs graduate programs in Vision Science that offers MPhil and Ph.D. degrees in a wide range of primary and clinical research.


The Department of Optometry and Visual Science (DOVS) is home to preeminent leadership in optometric education, patient care, and ophthalmic research in Ghana. The program seeks to prepare enthusiastic individuals to be highly competent practitioners and optometric leaders through education and research while advancing professional and ethical eye care, scholarship, and service to humanity.

Aims & Objectives

Main objective:

To train optometrists to serve the visual needs of the country and beyond.

Specific objectives.

I.   To provide such training as to equip optometrists to render primary healthcare.

II.  To train and equip optometrists with managerial, research and professional skills who can play a leadership role in health care delivery.

III.  To train and produce optometrists with scientific and professional standards who will be capable of functioning and competing internationally.



Completing the under-listed courses are a mandatory requirement to be fulfilled by all students seeking the Doctor of Optometry degree. Each semester, students are to register for classes deemed appropriate for their level of study to be eligible to write for mid-semester and end-of-semester examinations.

Further, in a typical semester, each student is expected to register not less than a minimum of 15 credit hours and not more than 21 credit hours.


Please note that the Department has made changes to its curriculum and that (Year one – Year Three) are using the new syllabus whereas (Year Four – Year Six) continues to use the existing syllabus. The website is updated each year to reflect these changes.



Department of Optometry & Visual Science
College of Science
KNUST, PMB, Kumasi-Ghana

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