New Curriculum For Basic Schools And Its Associated Terms For Teachers

New Curriculum For Basic Schools And Its Associated Terms For Teachers
The introduction of the Common Core Curriculum (CCP) and the Standard Based Curriculum came with a lot of new terms at the basic schools level which need to be taken note of by teachers.
Unlike the old curriculum where terms like sections, aspects, topics, general objectives, specific objectives, Teaching and Learning Activities, Teachers; Guide, pupils’ workbook, syllabus, scheme of work, teacher were used, the new curriculum comes with different terms.
This article will throw light on the new key terms that have been introduced in the new Common Core Curriculum (CCP) and the Standard Based Curriculum.
(Old Curriculum And New Curriculum)
NB. The corresponding new term for the old curriculum is boldened.
1.Sections/Aspect – Strands
2. Topics – Sub-strands
3. General Objectives – Content Standard
4. Specific objectives – Indicators
5. Teaching And – Exemplars
Learning Activities
6. Teachers’ Guide – Teachers’ Resource Pack
7. Pupils Workbook – Learners Resource Pack
8. Syllabus – Curriculum
9. Scheme of work – Scheme of Learning
10. Teacher – Facilitator
Source: gh.operanews