Occupational health and safety is the field of Public Health Education that studies trends in illnesses and injuries in the worker population and proposes and implements strategies and regulations to prevent them. Its scope is broad, encompassing a wide variety of disciplines—from toxicology and epidemiology to ergonomics and violence prevention.
The main objective of the department of OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF GHANA is to train public health practitioners who will be leaders and change agents for health development in Ghana in particular and in the wider African context.
The department also seeks to Promote knowledge and be lead advocates for needed public health reforms in Ghana.
And then also to :
- To produce high caliber public health practitioners who will provide effective leadership for health development.
- Provide the forum for high level policy research into national development.
- Provide public health extension service
FIELD VISITS, FIELD PRACTICE AND DISSERTATION Students will be taken on short field visits to institutions and workplaces where managers and supervisors would discuss the administration, management principles and institutional culture. In addition students will learn about occupational health programs. SPECIAL SEMINARS IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Students in the Occupational Health program will be expected to attend all Departmental seminars organized whenever visiting lecturers including clinicians, managers and consultants present subjects of topical interest in occupational health and safety… |
SAFETY AND HEALTH ISSUES OF ROAD TRANSPORTATION This course is designed to equip students with knowledge in methods and strategies for aiding organizations in preventing road traffic accidents and avoiding traffic accidents, injuries and disability. The course will teach the skills to enable the students… | SURVEILLANCE AND DISEASE PREVENTION This course will teach the skills to enable students to develop, evaluate and manage medical surveillance programs for the workplace as well as for the public. It will also enable students acquire knowledge and skills for primary, secondary and tertiary… |
AVIATION MEDICINE This course encompasses a study of the aviation environment and the effects of that environment on human physiology. This module covers aspects of occupational medicine and human factors that are associated with airline operations. It considers the… | SPORTS MEDICINE This course offers the basics of sports and exercise medicine; student will learn about sports injuries; exercise physiology, metabolism and nutrition; immediate and pre-hospital care of the injured athlete and physical activity in health and disease. VACCINOLOGY IN PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTION The course provides an introduction to Vaccinology as applied to humans and its application in the health sector. A basic understanding of the immune system and immunology as it applies to vaccines and vaccination including knowledge of current and… |
PORT HEALTH This will be a special elective for physicians who may opt to work in the Maritime industry or with the Ports and Harbors Authority. It is intended to introduce students to medical and public health issues related to Port Health. It involves the detection of… HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES IN AGRICULTURE This course explores the occupational health and safety issues in Agriculture, particularly in the Cocoa Industry and selected agricultural endeavors. The course will emphasize the relationship between farming, the environment and disease and farming. MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PRACTICEThis course introduces students to the administrative knowledge and management skills that would enable them to plan, design, implement, manage and evaluate occupational health programs and projects that enhance the health, safety and productivity of workers.. |