Requirements to Study Physician Assistant At Legon

A physician is a person qualified to practice medicine, especially one who specializes in diagnosis and medical treatment as distinct from surgery.

A physician assistant (PA) is a licensed medical professional who holds an advanced degree and is able to provide direct patient care. They work with patients of all ages in virtually all specialty and primary care areas, diagnosing and treating common illnesses and working with minor procedures.

For one to be admitted into the University of Ghana College of health sciences to offer any desired course, the applicant should have attained the entry requirements that has been set by the University of Ghana administration.

This does not necessarily mean that students need single grades from WASSCE or Nov/Dec exams to pursue Physician Assistant courses in the University of Ghana. This article is therefore written to thoroughly take us on a journey as to how we would get to know the University of Ghana Physician assistance courses entry requirements.

Below are the approved requirements to study Physician Assistant Courses at the University of Ghana, Legon

Currently, admission requirements for Ghanaian universities for undergraduate programs is largely A1 to C6.

Undergraduate Requirements to Study Physician Assistant At Legon

Here are Requirement to Study Physician Assistant At Legon ,

Candidates must possess passes in Three (3) Core subjects at SHS Level:

Integrated Science, Mathematics, and English Language AND passes in Three (3) Elective subjects: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.

As explained above. you must meet the general admission requirements. A1 to C6.

Again, Due to the delicate nature of the program, Specific requirements are needed to pursue the course. With A1 to C6, you may be allowed to read the program. Gender is considered in the selection process, hence ladies with an aggregate of 11 may be considered. Below are details for requirements.

Post Graduate Requirement to Study Physician Assistant At Legon

Applicants should have a good (B.Sc) First Degree (Second Class, Lower Division or better) in the sciences or any science-related courses. There should be evidence of having completed the National Service and must pass a 3-hour written Entrance Examination conducted by the School of Physician Assistant and Dentistry.

Requirements for International student to study Physician Assistant at legon

For an applicant looking into gaining entry into a bachelor of Physician Assistant and bachelor of surgery, entry requirements are; Core credit passes in English, core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social studies. While electives are; credit passes in Chemistry and any two from Physics, Biology, and elective Mathematics.

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