Basic School Pupils Attack The Chief And Okyeame Of Their Town…….


Basic School Pupils Attack The Chief And Okyeame Of Their Town

Pupils of Oseneso D/A basic school have attacked the chief and linguist of their town before of lack of chairs and tables in their school. Early in the morning, about 150 pupils matched to the palace with sticks to demand tables and chairs from the chief.

Upon arrival at the palace, they met with the linguist, Nana Yaw Darko. He asked the reason why they had matched to the palace and he was told that they had come for chairs and tables.

Nana Darko told them that it is the government that is to provide them with what they needed. Out of anger, some of the elderly pupils ganged at the Okyeame and hit him with the sticks.

source: A.Joy via




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